• Immagine di un operatore Anas mentre programma un pannello a messaggio variabile

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For Your Trip's Safety

Useful information to help you plan a safe and comfortable trip on our road and motorway network is available in this section.


Essential principles to protect customers who travel on our network


Anas is committed to ensuring equal treatment to customers regardless of their sex, race, language, religion, political opinions, personal and social conditions. In this farmework, moreover, Anas is committed to providing parity of treatment, with service being delivered on equal terms, among the different categories of our Customers and in the different geographical areas of our country.


Anas is committed to keeping the network of roads and motorways it manages directly "functional" by ensuring timely maintenance and repairs. It is also committed to taking the necessary steps to minimise disruptions and inconveniences to customers, even when roads are unusable or have been damaged because of natural events and/or elements beyond Anas' control. The Company also provides the resources and technologies needed to inform customers about basic road and traffic conditions.


Anas pursues the ongoing development of its activities — also by upgrading its internal structure and introducing new technological systems — and does so efficiently, diligently and effectively. It also is committed to maintaining and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of provided services.


Anas promotes the participation of customers — both individually and with others — and implements forms of cooperation focused on improving the services we deliver. To this end each customer may contact the Company’s organization to report findings, produce documents or notes, and make comments or suggestions. The employees who manage our Customer Care are adequately prepared and can help you with any questions and provide detailed information.


Anas has made courtesy and attention to customers a distinctive aspect of its way to do business.


Anas is committed to safeguarding the privacy of our customers, who are entitled to information on how their personal data is processed. Customers are also entitled to give their consent — free, differentiated and revocable — according to the different ways the data may be used, also on behalf of authorized third parties.


Anas participates in initiatives and studies aimed at promoting intermodal transport connections and the development of new and alternative transport systems for travelers.


Anas is committed to launching initiatives aimed at preventing and hindering roadway accidents, even through some of its personnel (those authorized to act as Traffic Police). Awareness-raising and public opinion campaigns — mainly on traffic issues and road safety — are often developed and promoted, especially before particularly critical periods for traffic and circulation (e.g. the Summer Exodus). Information campaigns are also organizedny using multiple media (print, radio, television and web) and by distributing information material.


In the modernisation and/or construction of our roads and highways, we are committed to the utmost respect for the environment. In particular, our environmental policy and strategy focuses on controlling and mitigating the environmental impact of our activities as well as on the reduction of energy consumption and of the use of natural resources.

These guiding principles were set out in the directive that was issued by the President of the Italian Council of Ministers on January 27 1994.


According to Italy’s Highway Code article n. 175 assistance on motorways can only be provided by the roadway owner (or manager) or by companies that have been authorized to do so by the latter.

The main arteries managed by Anas that are covered by this specific regulation are: the A2 motorway “Autostrada del Mediterraneo”, the “Catania-Siracusa” motorway, the A19 “Palermo-Catania” and A29 “Palermo-Mazara del Vallo”, the A90 “Grande Raccordo Anulare”, the A91 “Roma- Fiumicino”, and the following motorway links: the “Salerno-Avellino” (RA02) , the A4 “Trieste” (RA13), the A4 “Trieste-branch to Fernetti” (RA14) and the “Sicignano-Potenza” (RA05).

Here are the numbers to call in case you need mechanical assistance:


  • For the A2 - AUTOSTRADA DEL MEDITERRANEO: our Regional Monitoring Centre at tel. 0984-308368 or 0984-308367
  • For the CATANIA-SYRACUSE motorway: tel. 095-292639
  • For Sicilian motorways A19 and A29:  tel. 091-379666
  • For the Rome's Grande Raccordo Anulare (GRA-A90) and the ROME – AIRPORT FIUMICINO motorway (A91): our Regional Monitoring Centre tel. 06-72291000
  • For the motorway links RA13 “TRIESTE” (A4) and RA14 “TRIESTE – BRANCH TO FERNETTI” (A4): our Regional  Monitoring Centre tel. 040-226774
  • For the motorway links RA2 “SALERNO-AVELLINO” and RA9 “BENEVENTO”: our Regional  Monitoring Centre tel. 081-7253146
  • For the motorway link RA5 “SCALO SICIGNANO-POTENZA”: Toll Free Number 800 271 172



Failure to respect the speed limits is one of the principal causes of fatal accidents on both national roads and motorways. To deal with this problem, Anas has tested an innovative, remote, electronic system called Vergilius to detect the average and instantaneous vehicle speed.

Initially installed in 2012 on some high accident risk sections of the SS309 “Romea”, SS1 “Aurelia” and SS7 “Quater Domitiana” roads, since July 2014 Vergilius has been operative on the SS145 “Sorrento” road and, since July 2015, on 108 kilometres of the A2 “Autostrada del Mediterraneo” motorway.

Through twenty-six control sections, the Vergilius system can measure vehicle speed under all weather and lighting conditions. Management of this information system and related fines for speed violations are handled by the State Police, more specifically by the Traffic Police, with which Anas collaborates on a regular basis.

In compliance with industry regulations, on the basis of prior safety assessment and in coordination with the Prefectures, Anas also authorises local police forces to install speed checkpoints along its main roads.