• Immagine di un viadotto su un lago

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Our Activities

We have been managing national roads and motorways since our foundation in 1928. Our activities include road design, construction, monitoring and management, including ordinary and extraordinary maintenance works.Through time we have also expanded the range of services we offer, providing support to public entities and spurring roadway design, construction, maintenance and safety all over the world.

Our objective is to ensure, within estimated timetables and costs, the "territorial continuity" of the road and motorway network we manage and an ever safer and more efficient viability, while leading our country towards the digital transformation of its road infrastructure. This will also help us provide innovative technological services that facilitate mobility and the monitoring of road works.

Our commitment to the design, construction and management of road infrastructure focuses on safety issues, environmental protection and energy saving systems, as well as on safeguarding the surrounding landscapes.

Competence, professional commitment and innovation, in full compliance with the principles of environmental sustainability and ethical principles, characterize our way of doing business and provide our country with a safe, modern and efficient road and motorway network.

Our main activities are:

  • OPERATIONS, ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of managed roads and motorways;
  • RENOVATION and gradual IMPROVEMENT of our roadway network and related road and traffic signs;
  • CONSTRUCTION of new roads and motorways, both directly and through contracts with third parties;
  • INFORMATION services for customers;
  • IMPLEMENTATION of laws and regulations that protect road and motorway assets;
  • INTRODUCTION of measures that ensure traffic SAFETY;
  • PROMOTION and PARTICIPATION in research projects and experiments on road networks, traffic and circulation.

Today our network includes 32,337.754 kms of national roads and motorways, including junctions and split roads.

For the most part our activities are aimed at strengthening Italy’s strategic road infrastructure, also by recovering the significant maintenance deficit accumulated over the years on our network, improving access to urban centres and upgrading intermodal connections. In order to enhance our network, according to our Multi Year Investment Plan (2016-2020), we have increased the efficiency of maintenace works, strengthened our road network by completing strategic itineraries and developed new projects.

Technology, research and innovation represent an important part of our business. The Cesano Research Centre (CSS-Centro Sperimentale Stradale di Cesano) tests construction materials, particularly those used in roadways. The experience acquired over the years and its modern equipment have made our Research Centre a benchmark for certified consulting services and for high-performance testing and services for modern road network management.

Quality, efficiency and safety are our main responsibilities and we consider it every employee’s duty to pursue these objectives with the utmost commitment.