• Immagine di un viadotto su un lago

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Emergency Management

In compliance with Law no. 225/92 and Prime Minister’s Directive “Operational guidelines” which became effective in 2008, Anas also cooperates with the Italian Civil Protection Department and with the National Coordination Centre for Road Conditions (Viabilità Italia), which is chaired by the Director of the Traffic Police Service. “Viabilità Italia” is a technical-administrative coordination structure that can implement operational measures, including preventive measures, to deal with problems that regard roadway and motorway conditions/accessibility due to bad weather or other circumstances.

When planning activities to deal with hypothetical risk scenarios (snow, summer exodus, etc.) and managing critical events as they occur, our company's cooperation is ensured through the Emergency Coordination body (CO.EM).

Through CO.EM and our territorial offices we ensure our presence at all institutional meetings that deal with emergency conditions. More in detail  CO.EM. cooperates with the Civil Protection Operating Committee, with the National Coordination Centre on mobility at the Ministry of the Interior  (Viabilità Italia) and with our National Situation Room. In emergencies, the National Situation Room interfaces with CO.EM. (Emergency Coordination), coordinating the chain of command/decision-making to support other stakeholders.

CO.EM is formed by an Emergency Coordinator that participates at the Civil Protection's Operating Committees meetings, an Emergency Operating Unit that supports the Coordinator and organises work shifts, and our National Situation Room that coordinates the chain of command/decision-making.

To ensure the prompt implementation of emergency activities there are 3 importants steps:

1) The National Situation Room informs the Emergency Operating Unit's Officer about the emergency

2)  The Emertency Operating Unit's Officer gathers all available information on the emergency and informs the Emergency Coordinator

3) The Emergency Coordinator evaluates the situation and gives the E.O. Unit's Officer the necessary instructions

When Emergency Operational Structures are activated, the Emergency Coordinator joins the National Situation Room to guarantee the uniformity of given orders and instructions. Staff members from the Emergency Operating Unit participate at various institutional meetings and refer to their Coordinator.  

Chart on Emergency procedures

The National Situation Room also guarantees coordination between the Emergency Coordinator and Anas' local offices, through our local emergency centres.


Picture of a truck mounted snow blower