Our management structure has been reorganized to further ensure efficiency, transparency, meritocracy, honesty and accessibility to information on our activites. We also implemented transparent procedures that guarantee and favor transparent actions by all of our employees in compliance with our values.
Our Business Principles are:
- Honesty and fairness
- Responsibility and compliance with the obligations assumed
- Merit and equality
- Customer service
- Sense of belonging
- Loyalty and cooperation
- Environmental responsibility
- Expertise and professionalism
Our company's Supervisory Body and Anti-Corruption Body work in a coordinated and complementary way to ensure that the rules that regard the transparency of our administrative acts are applied correctly.
Under this section of our website, documents, information and data - organized according to the scheme as under Leg. Decree n. 33/13 - Review of regulations on the obligation of public administration to ensure the public availability and transparency of information and followings - are available in Italian.
- The Three-Year Corruption Prevention and Transparency Plan, which includes specific preventive measures for cases covered in Italian laws on this subject;
- The management and organizational model;
- The Code of Ethics;
- The instructions and the form for “whistleblowing” in order to report illicit behaviours;
- The instructions and the Procedura di “accesso civico” in order to request documents, information and data held by our company.
- The list of actions, deeds, agreements, protocols signed by Anas, directly published, are available at the following link.
This section of our website is constantly updated.
To improve the services we offer our clients, visitors of our corporate website are also asked to fill in a questionnaire on their level of satisfaction (in Italian).
This questionnaire is completely anonymous and when processing the given answers, confidentiality is ensured.