We have a traditional system for management and control.
Our company’s Articles of Association (Statute) define our governing bodies’ powers and duties.
Our Board of Directors is responsible for managing our Group and has an overall responsibility on all of our activities.
Specific duties and powers of our Board of Directors and of individual board members are indicated and defined by Italian laws and by our Statute: for example, our BoD is responsible for mergers and for the amendments of our Statute in order to make it consistent with new law provisions.
On December 21, 2018 the Shareholders' Meeting appointed our Board of Directors, composed of 5 members. According to our company's Statute (art. 15.1), the Board of Directors can be composed by three to a maximum of five members.
The new Board of Directors nominated Massimo Simonini Chief Executive Officer and General Manager.
For information on compensations you can click here (in Italian).
Here you can access our company's Statute (in Italian).
The Board of Statutory Auditors' is entrusted with supervising the following areas:
- compliance with the law and the company's Articles of Association (Statute);
- compliance with company Bylaws;
- correct administration and internal controls;
- adequacy and reliability of the organisational and administrative structure;
- adequacy and reliability of the accounting system.
Our Articles of Association also require full compliance with current laws including gender balance.
The Board of Statutory Auditors' was nominated by the Shareholders Meeting on July 15, 2016 for three years and is composed by three standing auditors and two alternate auditors:
The Shareholders Meeting is the body that expresses the shareholders' will through its resolutions.
The Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting must be convened at least once a year to approve Anas' Financial Statements within 120 (one hundred twenty) days from the end of the financial year. It is always convened by the Board of Directors and the Notice of Shareholders Meeting must list the day, time and place of the Meeting and the list of matters to be discussed.
The Company Shareholders Meeting:
- approves yearly Financial Statements;
- nominated members and the President of the Board of Directors;
- nominates the auditors and President of the Board of Statutory Auditors;
- determines the emoluments for members of the governing and supervising bodies;
- appoints the Registered Auditor;
- approves amendments to the Company's Article of Association during its extraordinary session.
Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group is our sole shareholder. We are also subject to the control and technical supervision of the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport.