Our "internal control system" is formed by all all the regulations, procedures and offices whose main purpose is to identify, define, manage and monitor the main risks our company runs while conducting its business. This system is defined by Italian laws, our company's Statute and Code of Ethics.
More in detail, these rules and procedures contribute to protect our assets and to guarantee the efficiency and effectiveness of our procedures, the reliability of our financial data, compliance with applicable legislation and the transparency of our operations and activities.
"Risk mitigation" is a large part of this this system, in the sense that only the precise identification and definition of risks or hypothetical risks scenarios can help develop an efficient internal control system.
In compliance with Italian laws we have identified the key figures and organisms of this system, for example: our internal auditors, a Compliance Committee, a manager called the “Dirigente Preposto” (reporting manager), the head of Corruption prevention who also must ensure transparency, a judge from the Italian Court of Auditors who supervises our company and an external auditing firm.